(degusted several times throughout 2010 and 2011).
For good, solid breakfasts, we've never been let down by Main st cafe. Hopefully they can streamline the coffee making process to iron out the intermittent service bugs.
The small township of Mordialloc is - in my opinion - a growing and developing little jewel on the nepean hwy; I love driving through the wide, palm-tree lined main street, and glancing down the bucolic mordi creek marina as I cross Pompei's bridge.
Smack bang in the middle of the main street - just outside the entrance to the train station - is what is probably the most consistently busy cafe/restaurants in the area. Apropriately named "Main St Cafe", it holds a commanding pride of place in an original building renovated tastefully to give this place the type of ambiance that just can't be built into a new shop. In the warmer months - with people out and about in numbers - you may struggle to get a table here, however patience and bookings help immensely.
We've been here many times, mostly for breakfasts (which is where I think Main St Cafe shines) - pumping out good sized servings of all the usual suspects - but with cool names.. Like the staples of eggs on toast ("2 Up"), Scout Omelettes (no, not made with scouts... each sale they donate to the local scout group - last year it was lifesaver omelettes with donations to the local life-saving club), there's the Hungry Hungry Hippo (a big brekky), Smashi Tashi, Mr Benedict, Bananarama ('nana bread with pear & blackberrry crumble), or the Italian Stallion. A PDF menu is here if you don't believe me..
Depending on my mood (read: whether i'm hungover), i'll either go for a "big brekky" (aka hungry hungry hippo), or - in tribute to our great friends from 'Canuckland' who blog about eating the world whole (check them out at iron gullet) - I degust away on the "The Canadian". That's a french toasted brioche with maple syrup and bacon, eh. Chuck in some extra sides (aka "brekky bling") like hash browns and smoked salmon and, well, i'm in a food coma.. Awesome!!
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The Canadian: French-toasted brioche, with bacon (and extra 'bling' of smoked salmon) |
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Veggie Patch, supplemented with Bacon and hash-brown bling |
Another cracker from their breakfast list is the veggie patch. Sampled many times, and proved to be thoroughly satisfying every time, The Degusters often barstardise this veggo meal with some sides of bacon.. What can I say - bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good... But I digress in a pulp fictional way... Adding the bling turns this meal into something that you feel good about eating (there's lots of veggies, mum!) but also enjoy eating it.
The atmosphere at Main St Cafe is good- the place feels alive and that's important when you may not feel very alive yourself, especially after a big friday night, as is so often the case when we find ourselves here.
Coffee should be king in any cafe, but here I've found it to be a bit hit and miss.. On the mornings that I've been there for brekky, the coffee quality has been just fine (in lattes, mochas, espressos, and even the non-coffee option of soy hot chocolate was good). On one occasion, though, we waited nearly 20 mins to get our drinks, which arrived only marginally before our meals. My headache was angry that day.. On other occasions the service was prompt: I know there's only so many coffees a barista or two can make simultaneously, so a full cafe of orders coming in simultaneously will surely create a bottleneck at the espresso machine's group heads. A freshly squeezed orange juice was good, if not on the small side..
Other reviews and blogs mention poor quality, watery coffee - and I'll say that I have had such an experience here once, in the afternoon on a weekday- i'm guessing that might have been trainee time?
For sure we'll be back here again - no doubt about it. I've had a few items at dinner time and can say that I was not disappointed - just not overly impressed - I'll keep this place for breakfast only. We're looking forward to the completion of building works at the top of the street to see what new offerings come Mordialloc's way in the near future, with some luck there'll be some good offerings to give Main St Cafe some strong competition.
Rating: for breakfast; Nom x 3... Other meals undecided.
Done & Degusted @ Main St Cafe (not all in same sitting!)
2 Up
Veggie Patch
Hungry hungry hippo
Mr Benedict
Scouts Omelette
The Canadian
Crumpets and honey :)
Brekky bling - hash browns, bacon, smoked salmon, avocado, mushrooms
Hot Chocolate
Sunday Latte (serving 7 days a week - just a big latte with extra shot).
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